In early 2022, employers across the country were surveyed regarding attraction and retention challenges and workplace strategies. This survey provided…
Our client Brian Smith, CEO at Banyan Technology, shares insights into considerations to be made and counsel to be sought when scaling an enterprise for robust growth.
President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order and three memorandums to address pandemic relief in response to the ongoing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. After negotiations for a relief package between the White House and lawmakers collapsed, the executive actions extend pandemic unemployment benefits, student loan payment deferrals, eviction protections for renters and payroll tax cuts.
At Armada Risk Partners, we are always evolving. We may not always know all the answers, but we know where to find them — for ourselves and our clients. And this once-in-a-century pandemic we’re now experiencing has made that learning orientation — and ability to be extremely flexible — all the more crucial.
It’s a truism of business that organizations that add the most value for their clients and other stakeholders tend to thrive. But when it came to a once-in-a-century pandemic, all bets were off for us in the early going. After all, there was no playbook for how to respond to a global pandemic sitting around on our shelf. So we decided to make one up as we went.
As you know from prior alerts, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed into law by President Trump on March 18, 2020, and are effective this Wednesday, April 1st. After three rounds of Questions and Answers from The US Division of Labor, we have aggregated all into a singular news alert for simplification and to aid in understanding and compliance with this new legislation.
The attached compliance bulletin helps to clarify the exemptions small businesses may qualify for with regard to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
Late last week, the DOL has required employers to post the attached FFCRA poster. This policy and poster must be implemented/posted no later than April 1, 2020, and the FFCRA will run through the end of the year.
We live in a culture that increasingly prizes wellness. Americans are working out more, smoking less, drinking water instead of soda and replacing processed foods with fresh fruits and vegetables. It is happening! Nevertheless, there’s recently been what might be called a small media backlash against the idea of corporate wellness.