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Armada Blog

Are You Covered Against an Active Assailant?

By Armada Blog

Hardly a week goes by these days without news coverage of the latest mass shooting somewhere in America. Last year alone, there were 340 mass shootings in this country, and that number will likely be even larger this year. The locations and other details may vary, but these violent episodes otherwise seem to have a numbing sameness.

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What the CFO Doesn’t know

By Armada Blog

Do you really know why you are paying what you are paying, or even more importantly, what your insurance is protecting you from? Let’s talk a bit about why you need to change your thinking and how starting an insurance brokerage has opened my eyes to these and other insurance-related issues.

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No One Thinks About Insurance, Until Catastrophe Hits

By Armada Blog

If I asked you to give me an example of a catastrophe, most people’s minds would immediately turn to an earthquake, tornado, or a major fire that destroys an entire neighborhood. Those are definite catastrophes that can affect large numbers of people. But what if I asked you more directly, what would rock your world enough to be considered a personal catastrophe? Those answers can be much more varied and subjective.

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Do you have an agent or a “true” broker?

By Armada Blog

When the cost rises for your insurance, does your broker blame the market? Does your broker advocate more for the insurance carrier than you? Sorry to report that you don't have a broker. You're working with a broker. You need to recruit a QB for risk management. Someone who can read the entire field of play, understand the playbook and corresponding coverages, know the right personnel for any given situation, and can lead a team around or through barriers to improved performance. Someone who is a "true" broker. Learn more…

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The Solution for Health Care Insurance Inflation

By Armada Blog

What’s your broker’s 3-year plan to contain costs and retain services?

Companies without any sort of strategic plan in place for health and benefits are destined to fall short for their employees – even a goal of “status quo” requires some sort of multi-year strategy, as many competing external (and often internal) forces simply don’t allow for things to stay the same. Learn more…

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